If you walked into the
AM office on any given day this week or next, you'd see a mess of papers scattered around our work table sprinkled with scribbles, arrows, rewrites, and cross marks. It's proof week and that means we're arranging stories on the page, rechecking checked facts and hoping we have everything spelled correctly. (I know we're missing
something!) We debate about what photos to use and how to caption them. We come up with headlines, subheads, and taglines. By the end of proof, we're comatose from too much reading and too much coffee.
It's always a difficult task choosing what photos are printed and which ones are filed away for later use. Such is the case with this photo which was taken on the day of our cover shoot. That is me on the bed with my new best friend, Louisa.

In the cover story we introduce you to ordinary people who have found a way to express their love in extraordinary ways, and I couldn't help myself from getting attached - quite quickly, in fact - to this adorable three year old. Tragically, our sweet photo didn't make it in the magazine, and it's just as well. This simple shot only scratches the surface of the fun we had that day. You're totally missing out on my Pippi Longstocking pigtails, courtesy of Louisa.