It always surprises me when new readers remark, "Oh, I thought this was a women's magazine." And after I divulge the relaunch story (we were, but now we're not), I always think it'll be the last time I'll have to explain it.
What better way to make it known than to publish an entire Men's issue. It's only fair, after all, since May was entirely about and for women. At the first few brainstorming sessions, Michele and I were at a loss. Even though we know men and are each surrounded by men, how exactly were we going to pull this off? Once the initial pieces of the June cover story - "The Cool Guys [You Need to Know]" - came together, the rest was a breeze and we couldn't be more pleased with the finished product.

Look for your June issue in subscribers' papers this Sunday, or read it online now.
Of course, we'd love to hear from readers - especially men. How'd we do? Drop us a line on our website and register to win the chrome grill cart from the Outside section. (page 30)
Lastly, thanks to all the veterans and active duty military who devoted their lives to preserving our freedom. Happy Memorial Day!